Hsarus' Chain Boots of Iron Heel Defense: 8-9
Durability: 32
Required Strength: 30
Required Level: 3
Fast Run/Walk
Fire Resist 25%
Cannot be Frozen
Lightning Resist 25%
+5 to Max Damage
Hsarus' Buckler of Iron Fist Defense: 4-6
Chance to Block: Pal: 30%, Bar/Ama: 25%
Nec/Sor: 20%
Paladin Smite Damage: 1 to 3
Durability: 24
Required Strength: 12
Required Level: 3
Damage Reduced by 2
+10 to Strength
Hsarus' Belt of Iron Stay Defense: 5
Durability: 32
Required Strength: 25
Required Level: 3
Cold Resist 20%
+20 to Life
Infernal Tools
Infernal Cap of Cranium Defense: 3-5
Durability: 24
Required Level: 5
20% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
All Resistances 10%
20% Chance of Open Wounds
+1 to Necromancer Skill Levels
20% Bonus to Attack Rating
Infernal Grim Wand of Torch One-Hand Damage: 13 to 14 (Base Damage: 5 To 11)
Durability: 30
Speed for Necromancer: Fast
Required Level: 5
+1 To Necromancer Skill Levels
+8 to Min Damage
150% Damage to Undead
Infernal Heavy Belt tbl Sign Defense: 31
Durability: 36
Required Strength: 45
Required Level: 5
+25 Defense
+20 to Life
Iratha's Finery
Iratha's Amulet of Collar Required Level: 15
Poison Length Reduced by 75%
Poison Resist 30%
10% To Maximum Poison Resist
10% To Maximum Cold Resist
10% To Maximum Lightning Resist
10% To Maximum Fire Resist
All Resistances 20%
+15 To Dexterity
Iratha's Crown of Coil Defense: 25-45
Durability: 100
Required Strength: 55
Required Level: 15
Lightning Resist 30%
Fire Resist 30%
Iratha's Heavy Belt of Cord Defense: 31
Durability: 36
Required Strength: 45
Required Level: 15
+25 Defense
+5 To Minimum Damage
Isenhart's Armory
Isenhart's Broad Sword of Lightbrand One-Hand Damage: 17 to 17 (Base Damage: 7 To 14)
Durability: 64
Required Strength: 48
Speed by Class: [B, Am, P, N] - Fast [S] - Normal
Required Level: 8
+3 to Light Radius
+10 to Min Damage
35% Bonus to Attack Rating
5% Life Stolen Per Hit
All Resistances 20%
Isenhart's Gothic Shield of Parry Defense: 70-75
Chance to Block: Pal: 46%, Bar/Ama: 41%
Nec/Sor: 36%
Paladin Smite Damage: 2 to 6
Durability: 80
Required Strength: 60
Required Level: 8
Attacker Takes Lightning Damage of 4
+40 Defense
Isenhart's Breast Plate of Case Defense: 105-108
Durability: 100
Required Strength: 30
Required Level: 8
Magic Damage Reduced by 2
+40 Defense
Isenhart's Full Helm of Horns Defense: 23-26
Durability: 60
Required Strength: 41
Required Level: 8
Damage Reduced by 2
+6 to Dexterity