ЛУК - ручное оружие для метания стрел. Состоит из пружинящей дуги (деревянной, иногда с костяными и роговыми накладками) и тетивы. Употреблялся почти повсеместно с эпохи мезолита до 17 в; как спортивное оружие получил распространение с конца 19 в.
АРБАЛЕТ (франц. arbalete) - метательное оружие в европейских странах в средние века: стальной или деревянный лук, укрепленный на деревянном станке (ложе); тетива натягивалась воротом. На Руси назывался самострелом.
Two-Hand Damage: 4 To 10 (Base Damage: 1 To 4)
Required Dexterity: 15
Speed by Class: [Am, B, P, S] - Fast [N] - Normal
+2 To Light Radius
3% Mana Stolen Per Hit
Enhanced Damage
+28 to Attack Rating
+10 to Life
Two-Hand Damage: 3 To 9 (Base Damage: 2 To 6)
Required Dexterity: 28
Speed by Class: [Am, B] - Very Fast [P, N, S] - Fast
Fires Magic Arrows
+50 To Attack Rating
Adds 1-3 Damage
Greatly increased attack speed
Raven's Claw
Two-Hand Damage: 3 To 10
Required Dexterity: 19
Required Strength: 22
Speed by Class: [Am, B, P, S] - Fast [N] - Normal
Fires Explosive Arrows
50% bonus to Attack Rating
+3 To Dexterity
+3 To Strength
Rogue's Bow
Two-Hand Damage: 4 To 8
Required Dexterity: 35
Required Strength: 25
Speed by Class: [Am, B] - Very Fast [P, N, S] - Fast
30% Deadly Strike*
200% Damage to Undead
All Resistances 10%
+60 to Attack Rating
Two-Hand Damage: 5 To 11
Required Dexterity: 40
Required Strength: 30
Speed by Class: [Am, B, P, S] - Fast [N] - Normal
Piercing Attack
Lightning Resist 25%
+28 to Attack Rating
Adds 1-10 lightning damage
+8 to Strength
Two-Hand Damage: 3 To 18
Required Dexterity: 50
Required Strength: 40
Speed by Class: [Am, B] - Very Fast [P, N, S] - Fast
Fires Magic Arrows
Cold Resist 26%
+36 To Attack Rating
+30 to Mana
Increased Attack Speed
Two-Hand Damage: 6 To 14
Required Dexterity: 55
Required Strength: 35
Speed by Class: [Am, B] - Very Fast [P, N, S] - Fast
Fire Resist 40%
Adds 6-9 Fire Damage
+20 to Attack Rating
+12 to Dexterity
Slightly increased attack speed
Two-Hand Damage: 6 To 36 (Base Damage: 3 To 23)
Required Dexterity: 65
Required Strength: 50
Speed by Class: [Am, B] - Fast [P, N, S] - Normal
+1 To Amazon Skill Levels
3% Mana stolen per hit
Enhanced Damage
+5 to Strength
Two-Hand Damage: 10 To 15 (Base Damage: 9 To 14)
Required Dexterity: 27
Required Strength: 21
Speed by Class: [Am, B, P, N, S] - Normal
25% Deadly Strike*
Enhanced Damage
Poison Resist 30%
+40 to Attack Rating
+10 to Life
+10 to Dexterity
Two-Hand Damage: 9 To 14
Required Dexterity: 33
Required Strength: 40
Speed by Class: [N, S] - Normal [Am, B, P] - Slow
Piercing Attack
Adds 7-9 Poison Damage Over 3 Seconds
+50 to Attack Rating
+20 to Dexterity
Two-Hand Damage: 12 To 20
Required Dexterity: 40
Required Strength: 60
Speed by Class: [B, Am, P, N, S] - Normal
Fires Explosive Arrows
15% To Max Fire Resist
Fire Resist 15%
+70 to Attack Rating
Increased Attack Speed
Two-Hand Damage: 6 To 12
Required Dexterity: 50
Required Strength: 40
Speed by Class: [Am, B, P, N, S] - Very Fast
Piercing Attack
+1 To Amazon Skill Levels
+15 To Life
Greatly Increased Attack Speed